Linnaeus is a python package for the classification of iterative algorithms and identification of relations between algorithms. An algorithm is specified by defining variables, parameters, functions, oracles, and update equations. Linnaeus can check algorithm relations including
- Oracle equivalence (algorithms generate identical sequence of oracle calls)
- Linear state transform (states are identical up to a linear map)
- Permutation (shift equivalence, algorithms generate identical sequence of oracle calls up to a shift)
- Repetition (one algorithm repeats the updates of another algorithm)
- Conjugation (algorithm calls conjugate function oracles, i.e. Fenchel conjugate)
- Duality (conjugation on all algorithm oracles)
For more information about algorithm equivalence and relations, see our paper.
To install using pip, run:
pip install git+
To install from source, first make sure setuptools has been installed. Then,
- Clone the Linnaeus git repo.
- Navigate to the top-level of the directory and run:
python install
To test the installation with nose2, first make sure nose2 has been installed. Then run:
nose2 linnaeus
The requirements are:
- SymPy >= 1.6.2
- NumPy >= 1.16
- SciPy >= 1.2.1
- Python 3.x
Algorithm library
Linnaeus includes an algorithm library to serve as a reference. Users can check the potential relations between the input algorithm and reference algorithms in the library. Currently, the algorithm library includes:
- Gradient descent method
- Nesterov's accelerated gradient method (with generalization)
- Heavy-ball method
- Proximal point method (with generalization)
- Proximal gradient method (ISTA, FISTA)
- Douglas-Rachford splitting method (with different versions)
- Peaceman-Rachford splitting method
- Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)
- Chambolle-Pock method
- Davis-Yin splitting method
- Extragradient method (with different versions)